Meet the Team
Meet the Team
Nice to meet you!

She Runs is a non-for-profit organisation focused on supporting women’s political, economic, and civic participation. Our Campaign School for women teaches them all skills required to run for and thrive in public office;
from policy development, public speaking to social media and volunteer management. Through our wide-ranging experience, and with the assistance of highly skilled guest speakers, our Fellows will leave the Campaign School prepared to put their promises into policy - and with the support of other likeminded young women and professional contacts to add to their network.
Running in parallel with the Campaign School, She Runs is also working with researchers from The University of Western Australia Business School to study and better understand the motivations and barriers to women running for politics in Western Australia.
The political views of alumni do not reflect our organisation.
Our values
Commitment to our cohort
We place our cohort at the centre of everything to make the most positive difference in their lives. We are committed to living our mission of advancement women in Australian politics.

At the heart of change is increasing diversity and building diverse communities. We can only be our best when we listen and learn from as many people from as many backgrounds and perspectives as possible.
Curiosity in everything
we do
Being genuinely inquisitive, listening without judgment, and not being afraid to ask for help when we don't understand. No one has everything figured out.

Courage to dare
Changing the status quo takes strength of conviction.
Meet our team

Headquartered near Elizabeth Quay in Perth CBD, the She Runs team excels at bringing passion, courage, and vitality to the often grim world of political campaigns.
Meet the amazing people who make up our team.