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Back to School

Women have ideas and voices that need to be heard
- but the way politics has evolved from the Old Boys’ Club has robbed them of opportunities to hone their advocacy skills in the same way as their male peers. She Runs is filling this gap by providing the space and mentorship to empower women to get involved, and create change.


Our Fellows leave the Campaign School prepared to put their promises into policy - and with the support of other likeminded young women and professional contacts to add to their network.

In 2020, we graduated our inaugural cohort of 23 Fellows from the Campaign School. In the first week of the program we hit the ground running with appearances from the Hon. Celia Hammond MP (LIB), the Hon. Patrick Gorman MP (ALP) and Senator Sue Lines (ALP). We covered all manner of topics including fundraising, the barriers women run up against in politics and, perhaps most importantly, the imperative of building networks and alliances to make changes in spite of those barriers.
This was followed by a session on the ins and outs of campaigning in Week 2, from digital to door knocking, with Fay Duda (LIB), Ellie Whiteaker (ALP) and Siena Ellison (LIB). Finally, Lisa Judge (UNIONS) rounded out the day by offering up the keys to successfully forming your own political narrative.
The third week saw us delve into the challenges of decision making, what makes a good representative as well as how to bolster skills and qualities needed to thrive in political life. Our guests included Hon. Colin Holt MLC (NATS), Mayor Emma Cole (IND), Sam Calabrese (LIB), Mark Reed (Dept of Premier and Cabinet), the Hon. Mia Davies MLA (NATS), Jessica Shaw MLA (ALP) and Associate Professor Aleksandra Luksyte (University of Western Australia).

In the final week, we called on Senator Louise Pratt (ALP) and Marije Van Hemert (ALP) to find out how to collaborate and negotiate with stakeholders, members of your own party and those across the political divide to see a bill passed into law. Journalists Clare Negus (ABC) and Jenna Clarke (The West Australian) offered some handy hacks on how to navigate the media when first stepping into political spheres. Changemakers Annabel Keogh (DEPT PREMIER AND CABINET), Kendall Galbraith (RRR Network) and Alicia Curtis (100 Women) offered their takes on ways to broaden representation in politics.
Applications are now CLOSED for our 2023 Campaign School.
Feel free to email us at if you have any questions about Campaign School.




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